Monday, August 1, 2016


So, as the title implies, I just got back from NTPRS 2016.  I feel like a different person.  NTPRS is one of the national TPRS conferences put on by the great folks at TPRS Books.  I have had the great privilege to attend a two day workshop previously, but five whole days of "experienced track" TPRS teaching was an incredible gift.  I took Japanese, Romanian, and Latin classes and every day experienced the feeling of being a novice student and completely clueless.  I met some amazing, dedicated teachers who are trying to repair the world, just like me, through language teaching (and oh so much more).  I made some great friends and found a whole new community to inspire me.

I have so many blog posts rolling around in my head and feel inspired to actually write them.  But first and foremost, I want to say thank you to everyone who came up to me and said that my deskless classroom helped inspire them.


I leaned so much this week that I can't even begin to process it.  Since I tend to process by writing, I plan on using my next few posts to process some of my aha moments and huge takeaways from the different workshops that I attended.

Suffice it to say that I was reminded just how important my work is, and that I am not alone.

Also, here's me with all the books I bought spread out on the floor of my office....I am most pleased.

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